Just intonation
The natural tuning system,
suitable for the XXI century
José García Illa


Just intonation. Presentation

The purpose of this website is to spread the characteristics of just intonation, to help to clarify its most controversial theoretical and practical aspects and to popularize its use.

All this research and spreading work, that could be called "Just intonation project", will culminate with the publication of my book Justa entonación: teoría y práctica, currently under preparation.

For now, the content of this project is, in Spanish, on the website

I am grateful for people interested in just intonation and like this website to help me to translate to English the content. Volunteers, please contact me.

I invite you also to visit the Facebook page dedicated to the project, clic "Like" to stay on top of all contents and informations that appear, and to express your comments, opinions, criticisms or suggestions.

If you want to know more about me and to read my other works, you can visit my personal website.

If you wish, send me a private email to my email address.

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You can also visit the Facebook page dedicated to the project, clic "Like" to stay on top of all contents.

I also present my novel Un himno a la alegría (available in Spanish and Catalan), one of whose themes is precisely just intonation. Available on Amazon website.

Us presento també la meva novel·la Un himne a l'alegria (també disponible en espanyol), un dels temes de la qual és, precisament, la justa entonació. Disponible en la tenda Amazon.

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